Microcredentials & 证书
- Microcredentials
- 会计数据分析
- 网络防御
- 网络治理
- 刑事司法领导
- 数据分析
- 护士教育工作者
- 教学设计
- 成人-老年初级保健执业护士
- 家庭护士
- 精神科精神健康执业护士
- 青少年至青少年教育(7-12)
- 小学教育(小学至小学五年级)
- 干预专家:轻度/中度(K-12)
- 幼儿中期教育(4-9年级)
- 高级会计微证书
- 本科生
- 研究生
- 伙伴关系的学生
- 留学美国.S.
- 在线获得学位
- 社区学院学生
- 大学学分加
- 空军
- 军队
- 海岸警卫队
- 海军陆战队
- 海军
- 蒙哥马利GI法案®-选定的储备
- 蒙哥马利退伍军人法案
- 9/11后的GI法案®
- Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment VetSuccess Program
- 黄丝带计划
- 配偶 & 家庭
- 网上开放日
- 准度
- 普通学士学位
- 护理(RN-BSN)
- 会计
- 工商管理(MBA)
- 业务分析
- 商业心理学
- 计算机科学
- 刑事司法管理局
- 网络安全
- 数据分析
- 卫生信息学
- 医疗保健管理(MHA)
- 人力资源管理
- 信息技术
- 教学设计 & 学习技术
- 护士长(ms - adm)
- Nursing-成人-老年初级保健执业护士
- 护理-家庭执业护士(MSN-FNP)
- Nursing-Generalist (MSN)
- Nursing-精神科精神健康执业护士
- 公共管理
- 工商管理(DBA)
- 医疗保健管理(DHA)
- 教学设计领导(DPS)
- Nursing Practice-家庭护士 (DNP-FNP)
- 护理实践-领导课程(DNP)
- 组织领导(Ed).D.)
- 刑事司法领导
- 教学设计
学费 & 金融援助
- 学费 & 费用
- 成本估算计算器工具
- 学费担保
- 本科学费比较
- 联邦援助 & 国家援助
- 机构的援助 & 私人贷款
- 申请资助
- 社区学院学生
- 奖学金
- 付款方式
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- 估计你的转学学分
- 如何转学分
- 以前获得的大学学分
- 证书+专业培训学分
- 军训学分
- 测试信贷
- 合作院校
- 通路门户
- 转学到学士学位
- 转读硕士学位
- 转读博士学位
- 转到副学士学位
- 为工作的成年人而建
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- 认可的大学 & 质量度
- 快 & 负担得起的
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- mbcs
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- mg不朽情缘试玩
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2024年夏天罗伯特·L. 贝利教学奖获奖名单公布
(614) 947-6581
电子邮件: 雪利酒.mercurio@abadiadetortoreos.com
mg不朽情缘游戏网址, one of the leading educators of working adults in central 俄亥俄州, 将于周日举行第177届毕业典礼, 9月15日下午2点.m. (ET). Along with honoring the graduates, Franklin recognizes Dr. 斯科特Ebbrecht and 劳里克劳福德 from its faculty as recipients of the distinguished Robert L. 贝利教学奖.
祝贺本学期的获奖者: Dr. 斯科特Ebbrecht研究生兼职教员; 劳里克劳福德本科兼职教师.
Dr. 斯科特Ebbrecht has been with mg不朽情缘游戏网址 since 2019. Drawing on his extensive background in educational leadership and public-school administration, 他的教学风格引人入胜,乐于助人. 斯科特以教练和导师的身份对待教学, 促进积极参与, 协作学习和批判性思维. By integrating real-world experiences and practical applications, he helps students connect theoretical concepts to practical scenarios. Dr. Ebbrecht’s career in public education spans roles that include sixth-grade teacher, 校长兼郊区学校管理员, as well as 34 years of board or executive leadership of 非营利组织 organizations. He received his doctorate in organizational leadership from Nova Southeastern 大学, a master's in educational administration from The 俄亥俄州 State 大学, and a bachelor’s in elementary education and reading from Capital 大学.
劳里克劳福德 began teaching at Franklin as an adjunct instructor in 2001. She currently serves as lead faculty for computer science and continues to teach regularly. Laurie is passionate about teaching adult learners and mastering best practices in adult education and online instruction. 她努力为她的学生做到最好. Early in her career, Laurie worked as a member of technical staff at AT&T贝尔实验室, where she developed switching system applications and held various roles including programmer, 客户联络及技术经理. She earned a master's degree in computer science from the 大学 of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a master's degree in executive management from Ashland 大学, and a bachelor's degree in computer science and engineering from The 俄亥俄州 State 大学.
关于罗伯特·L. 贝利教学奖
Each trimester, two faculty members are honored with the Robert L. 贝利教学奖. Graduating students are asked to identify one undergraduate and one graduate faculty member who had the most significant influence on them throughout their educational experience at mg不朽情缘游戏网址. The award recognizes those who have challenged students intellectually and guided them in finding the significance of the course content as it relates to them both personally and professionally.
While more than 100 graduate and undergraduate faculty members are nominated each trimester – clearly showing the magnitude of interaction between students and faculty at mg不朽情缘游戏网址 – the faculty members receiving the most nominations are awarded this honor.
These awards are funded through an endowment established by State Auto Insurance Companies in recognition of Robert L. 贝利, who served State Auto for 28 years in various positions, 包括总统, 首席执行官, 和董事长, 直到2000年退休. 贝利 is also a past Chair and a Trustee Emeritus of mg不朽情缘游戏网址’s 校董会.
认证, 非营利组织, 自1902年以来一直致力于成人教育, Franklin provides onsite course options at our Main Campus in downtown 哥伦布, 俄亥俄州, and is an innovator in providing personalized online education. The 大学 offers applied in-demand undergraduate, 大师, and doctorate programs that enable adult learners to achieve their educational and professional goals. 通过与伙伴机构达成协议, the 大学 also offers international academic programs, 包括排名第一的MBA.
mg不朽情缘游戏网址 is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and holds specialized accreditations for specific academic programs through the International 认证 Council for 业务 教育, 大学护理教育委员会, the Council for the 认证 of Educator Preparation, and the Commission on 认证 of 卫生信息学 and Information 管理 教育. The National 安全 Agency and the Department of 首页land 安全 have designated mg不朽情缘游戏网址 as a National Center of Academic Excellence in 网络防御 教育 (CAE-CDE).
- 大学